James Murray was born in Jamaica into an Adventist family. Migrating to the United States in 1989, he was ordained as an Elder in the Victory SDA church, Bronx, NY, and has served as an Elder and first Elder for about 30 years. During his tenure, James has played an integral role in advancing the mission of the Personal, Prayer and Religious Liberty Ministries departments by ensuring that everyone, regardless of race, background, or disability, had equitable opportunities to interact with the church by receiving access to prayer and social engagement. James has continued his dedication to becoming a more proficient Elder, receiving an Elders training certificate from the Greater New York Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists and Andrews University.
Passionate about spreading the word of the Lord, James currently operates an online Bible class that welcomes guests from Canada, New York, and Florida. Within the last year, three people were baptized because of their participation in these classes.
Today, James serves as an Elder at the First SDA church in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, and notes, “I enjoy ministering for the Lord, and I find pleasure in preaching the three angels’ message, ensuring that all are prepared for Christ’s return.”